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What is the main objective of data communication and networking?

 Objective questions banks of Data communications and networking.

[ Poll : [1/101] Which topology requires a multipoint connection? ]

- Bus

- Star

- Mesh

- Ring

[ Poll : [2/101] A televison broadcast is an example of .... transmisssion ? ]

- Half duplex

- Full duplex

- Simplex

- Automatic

[ Poll : [3/101] Which of the following is an application layer service ? ]


- Mail Service

- Remote Log in

- All of the above

[ Poll : [4/101] ....... Provides full transport layer services to application ? ]




- None of these

[ Poll : [5/101] The Session ,presentation and application layer are the ..... support layer ]

- Users

- Network

- Both A and B

- Neither A and B

[ Poll : [6/101] If the bandwidth of a signal is 5 khz and the lowest frequency is 52 khz . what is the highest frequency ? ]

- 5 khz

- 47 khz

- 57 khz

- 10 khz

[ Poll : [7/101] In a time domain plot , the horizontal axis is a measure of ]

- Phase

- Signal amplitude

- frequency

- time

[ Poll : [8/101] When propagtion speed is multiplxed by propagtion time we get the ..... ]

- Wavelength

- throughput

- distance

- Distotrion factor

[ Poll : [9/101] What is bandwidth of a signal that range from 1mhz to 4 mhz ? ]

- 1 khz

- 3mhz

- 4mhz

- none of these

[ Poll : [10/101] A periodic signal complete one cycle in 0.001 sec. what is the frequency? ]

- 1 hz

- 100 hz

- 1khz

- 1mhz

[ Poll : [11/101] Digital signature provides ]

- Authentication

- Non repudiation

- Both A and B

- None of these

[ Poll : [12/101] ...... Operates in the transport layer . ]

- IPsec

- SSl


- None of these

[ Poll : [13/101] One securitry protocol for the email system is . ]

- IPsec



- none of these

[ Poll : [14/101] ....... Network is used inside an organistion . ]

- Private

- Public

- Semi private

- Semi public

[ Poll : [15/101] ....... provide securitry at the transport layer. ]



- Eiter A and B

- Both A and B

[ Poll : [16/101] Routin System autonomous system is reffered to as ]

- Interdomain routing

- interadomain  routing

- Both  A and B

- None of these

[ Poll : [17/101] For Purpose of routing , the internet is divided into ...... ]

- Wide area network

- Autonomous network

- Autonomous system

- None of these

[ Poll : [18/101] ....... deals with the issues  of creating and  maintaing rounting tables . ]

- Forwarding

- Rounting

- Directing

- None of these

[ Poll : [19/101] A ........ routing table contains information entered manuallly . ]

- Static

- Dynamic

- Hierarchical

- None of these

[ Poll : [20/101] In the layer hierachy as the data packet moves from the upper to the lower

- Added

- Removed

- Rearranged

- Modified

[ Poll : [21/101] The first network ]





[ Poll : [22/101] These factor affect transmission rate is DSL . ]

- The gauge of the twisted pair line

- Degree of the electrical interfence

- Shadow Feding

- Both A  and B

[ Poll : [23/101] HFC contains ]

- Fibre cable

- Coaxical Cable

- Both A and B

- None of these

[ Poll : [24/101] Which they are Presnted ]

- Semantics

- Syntax

- Timing

- All of the above

[ Poll : [25/101] Transmission data rete is decided by ]

- Network Layer

- Physical Layer

- Data Link Layer

- Transport Layer

[ Poll : [26/101] In DSL telco provided these services ]

- Wired Phone service


- All of thses

- None of these

[ Poll : [27/101] Which transmission media has the higest transmission speed in a network ]

- Coaxical Cable

- Twisted Pair Cable

- Optical Fiber

- Electrical Cable

[ Poll : [28/101] Which one the following is not a function of the network layer ]

- Routing

- Inter networking

- Congestion control

- None of these

[ Poll : [29/101] Header of a frame generally contains ]

- Synchronixation bytes

- Addresses

- Frame Identifier

- All of the above

[ Poll : [30/101] User datgram protocol is called.... connection less because ]

- All UDP packet are treated independenty by transport layer

- It sends data as a stream of related packet

- It is recevied in the same order as set order

- None of these

[ Poll : [31/101] Common gateway interface is used to ]

- Generate executable files from web content by web browser

- Genrate web pages

- Stream videos

- None of these

[ Poll : [32/101] Physical or logical arrangenment of network is ]

- Topology

- Routing

- Networking

- None

[ Poll : [33/101] Data Communication system spanning states countries or the whole world is ]




- None

[ Poll : [34/101] TCP groupes a number of bytes together into  a packet called ]

- Packet

- Buffer

- Segment

- Stack

[ Poll : [35/101] Which multiple access technique is used by IEEE802.11 standrad for wireless LAN? ]




- None

[ Poll : [36/101] What is WPA? ]

- Wifi- protected access

- Wired protected access

- wired process access

- Wifi process access

[ Poll : [37/101] The DOS attack is which the attacker sends deluge of packet to the targeted hodt ]

- Vulnerability attack

- Bandwidth Flooding

- Connecting Flooding

- All of the above

[ Poll : [38/101] Method(s) to move data through a network of links and switches ]

- Packet Switching

- Circuit Switching

- Line Switching

- Both A and B

[ Poll : [39/101] The number of layer in the internet protocol ]

- 5

- 7

- 6

- None of these

[ Poll : [40/101] Communication between a computer and a keyboard involves...... transmission ]

- Automatic

- Half duplex

- Full duplex

- Simplex

[ Poll : [41/101] The....... is the physical path over which a message travels ]

- Path

- Medium

- Protocol

- Route

[ Poll : [42/101] Home access is provided by ]



- Cable

- All of the above

[ Poll : [43/101] Two devices can share a single link ]

- Multipoint

- Point to point

- Primary

- Secondary

[ Poll : [44/101] Transmission data rate is decided by ]

- Netwok Layer

- Physical Layer

- Data link Layer

- Transport Layer

[ Poll : [45/101] Which of the Following is aversion of UDP with congenstion control ]

- Datagram congention control protocol

- Stream control transmission protocol

- Structured stream transport

- None the these

[ Poll : [46/101] Which of the following is not used to generate dynamic web pages ]




- None of these

[ Poll : [47/101] Data communiction system within a building or campus is ]




- None of these

[ Poll : [48/101] In Segment  header sequence number and acknowledgment number field refers to ]

- Byte number

- Buffer number

- Segment number

- Acknowledgment number

[ Poll : [49/101] The value of acknowledgment field in a segment defines ]

- Numebr of previous bytes to recevies

- Total number of bytes to recevies

- Number of next  byets to recevies

- Sequence of zero and one

[ Poll : [50/101] In  wireless distriution system ]

- Multiple access point are inter connected with each other

- There is no access point

- Only one access point exist

- None of these

[ Poll : [51/101] A wireless network interface controller can work in ]

- INfrastructure mode

- Ad-hoc-Mode

- Both A and B

- None of these

[ Poll : [52/101] Comunication channel is shared by all the machines on the network is called ]

- Broad cast network

- Unicast Network

- Multicast Network

- None of these

[ Poll : [53/101] Bluetooth is an example of ]

- Personal area network




[ Poll : [54/101] A ....... is a devies that forward packet between network by processing the routing information include in the packet ]

- Bridge

- Firewell

- Router

- All of these

[ Poll : [55/101] Communication between a computer and a Keyboard involves ]

- Automatic

- Half-duplex

- Full- duplex

- Simplex

[ Poll : [56/101] A set of rules that governes data transmission ]

- Protocol

- Standard


- None of these

[ Poll : [57/101] The physical layer concerm with ]

- Bit by BIt Delivery

- Process to Process Delivery

- Application to Applcation

- None of these

[ Poll : [58/101] Which transmission media has the highest transmission speed ]

- Coaxical cable

- Twisted pair cable

- Optical Fibre

- Electrical Fibre

[ Poll : [59/101] The Physical is responsible for ]

- Line coding

- Channel coding

- Modulation

- All of the above

[ Poll : [60/101] Which layer links the network support layer and user support layer ]

- Session layer

- Data link

- Transport layer

- Physical layer

[ Poll : [61/101] OSI stands for ]

- Open system inter connection

- Operating system connection

- Operating System internet

- None of these

[ Poll : [62/101] Wireless transmission can be done via ]

- Radio waves

- Micro waves

- Infrared

- All of the above

[ Poll : [63/101] Which layer is responsible  for process to process delivery ]

- Network

- Transport

- Session

- Dta link

[ Poll : [64/101] The network layer concerms with ]

- Bits

- Frames

- Packet

- None of these

[ Poll : [65/101] The 4 bytes IP address consists ]

- Network address

- Host address

- Both A and B

- None of these

[ Poll : [66/101] The network layer protocol of internet is ]

- Earthnet

- Internet protocol


- None of these

[ Poll : [67/101] Ethernet frame consists of ]

- MAC address

- IP address

- Both A and B

- None of these

[ Poll : [68/101] MAC address is of ]

- 24 bites

- 36 bites

- 42 bites

- 48 bites

[ Poll : [69/101] Data communication system spanning states, countries , or the whole world is ]




- None of these

[ Poll : [70/101] Which of the following is not a guided media ]

- Optical fibre

- Coaxical cable

- Copper cable

- Wireless LAN

[ Poll : [71/101] ....... data refers to information that is continous ]

- Digital

- Analog

- Hybrid

- None of these

[ Poll : [72/101] Walkie-talkie and Citizen band radio are example of ..... mode ]

- Simplex

- Half duplex

- Full duplex

- None of these

[ Poll : [73/101] Variation in the packet arrivel time of the data  communication is known as ]

- Accuracy

- Delivery

- Timleness

- Jitter

[ Poll : [73/101] Variation in the packet arrivel time of the data  communication is known as ]

- Accuracy

- Delivery

- Timleness

- Jitter

[ Poll : [74/101] Each devies has dedicated point to point link to every other devies in ....... topology ]

- Bus

- Mesh

- Star

- Ring

[ Poll : [75/101] Which of the following is PCM encoder process ]

- Sampling

- Quanitization

- Encoding

- All of the above

[ Poll : [76/101] In .......... shift keying, both frequency and phase remain constant while the amplitude change ]

- Amplitude

- Frequency

- Phase

- None of these

[ Poll : [77/101] Set of techniques that allow the simultaneous transmission of multiple signal across a single data link , is called ..... ]

- Multiplexing

- Encoding

- Routing

- Switching

[ Poll : [78/101] UTP stands for ]

- Universal Twisted pair

- Unkonown Twisted pair

- Unshielded Twisted pair

- None of these

[ Poll : [79/101] Radio waves are reflected back from inosphare to earth in ....... propagtation ]

- Grounf

- Sky

- Line of sight

- All of the above

[ Poll : [80/101] Which of the function of Data Link layer ]

- Error control

- Flow control

- Framing

- Routing

[ Poll : [81/101] Which layer of OSI model is used Repeater? ]

- Data link layer

- Physical Layer

- Network layer

- Session layer

[ Poll : [82/101] ISDN stands for ]

- Information Services Digital Network

- Internal Sequence Digital Network

- Integrated SErvieces Digital Network

- None of the above

[ Poll : [83/101] Which of the following characteristics of Data Commincation ? ]

- Accuracy

- Jitter

- Timeliness

- All of the above

[ Poll : [84/101] ISP stands for ]

- International service  provision

- Indian service provider

- Income salary payment

- Internet service provider

[ Poll : [85/101] In ....... mode each station can both transmit and recevies , but not at the same time ]

- Simplex

- Half duplex

- Full duplex

- None of these

[ Poll : [86/101] ARPA stands for ]

- Advance Research Project Agency

- Advance Regional Project Agency

- Automatic Research Project Agency

- All of the above

[ Poll : [87/101] Which type of Co-axial cable is used in thick ethernet? ]

- RJ-59

- RG-59

- RG-11

- RG-58

[ Poll : [88/101] Who is the developer of Hamming code system? ]

- Round Robin

- C. Babbage

- R.W Hamming

- B.A Hamming

[ Poll : [89/101] Bridge operates in ........... layer . ]

- Datalink layer

- Physical layer

- Network layer

- Application layer

[ Poll : [90/101] The Routing decesion can be changed , if there are any change in topology or traffic etc are called ]

- Adaptive

- Non - adaptive

- Static

- All of the above

[ Poll : [91/101] 10 Base 5 Cabling is known as ..... ]

- Thick ethernet

- Thin ethernet

- Twisted Pair ethernet

- Fibre optics ethernet

[ Poll : [92/101] FDM can multiplexed ......... type data or signal . ]

- Only analog

- Only digital

- Both A and B

- None of the above

[ Poll : [93/101] Modem Means ]

- Multiplexing and Demultiplexing

- Modulator and Demodulator

- Moving and Demultipurpose

- Mobile and Demodulator

[ Poll : [94/101] In .......... mode, multiple bits are sent with each clock pulse ]

- Serial

- Synchronous

- Asynchronous

- Parallel

[ Poll : [95/101] ............. is the exchange of data between two devices via some from of transmission medium such as wire cable or wireless ]

- Distributed network

- Computer network

- Data Communication

- Network Toplogy

[ Poll : [96/101] ISO stands for ]

- Indian Standard Organization

- International Standard Orginization

- Indian Social Orginization

- None of these

[ Poll : [97/101] ASK stands for ]

- Amplitude Shift Keying

- Analog Shift Keying

- Amplitude Sequence Keying

- Average Sequence Keying

[ Poll : [98/101] A cable that accepts & transport signals in the form of light is called ........ ]

- Twisted pair

- Co-axial cable

- Optical fibre

- Radio wave

[ Poll : [99/101] In 10 Base 5 , based denotes ]

- Baseband signal

- Broadband signal

- Optical signal

- None of these

[ Poll : [100/101] Non - adaptive routing algorothm is also called ]

- Dynamic routing

- Static routing

- Intregrated routing

- None of these

[ Poll : [101/101] UDP is which  type of protocol ? ]

- Connection less

- Connection oriented

- Unreliable

- Both A and C

Quiz Bot, [03.07.21 20:41]

[ Poll : [1/15] What layer in the TCP/IP stack is equivalent to the Transport layer of the OSI model? ]

- Application

- Host to host

- Internet

- Network Access

Quiz Bot, [03.07.21 20:41]

[ Poll : [2/15] Which of the following protocols uses both TCP and UDP? ]



- Telnet


Quiz Bot, [03.07.21 20:42]

[ Poll : [3/15] Length of Port address in TCP/IP is _________ ]

- 4 bit long

- 16 bit long

- 32 bit long

- 8 bit long

Quiz Bot, [03.07.21 20:42]

[ Poll : [4/15] TCP/IP layer is equivalent to combined Session, Presentation and _________ ]

- Network layer

- Application layer

- Transport layer

- Physical layer

Quiz Bot, [03.07.21 20:42]

[ Poll : [5/15] How many levels of addressing is provided in TCP/IP protocol? ]

- Four

- Three

- Two

- Five

Quiz Bot, [03.07.21 20:43]

[ Poll : [6/15] Virtual terminal protocol is an example of ]

- Network layer

- Application layer

- Transport layer

- Physical layer

Quiz Bot, [03.07.21 20:43]

[ Poll : [7/15] TCP/IP is related to __________ ]





Quiz Bot, [03.07.21 20:43]

[ Poll : [8/15] A device operating at network layer is called __________ ]

- Router

- Bridge

- Both a and b

- Non

Quiz Bot, [03.07.21 20:43]

[ Poll : [9/15] A device operating at physical layer is called __________ ]

- Router

- Repeater

- Equalizer

- Bridge

Quiz Bot, [03.07.21 20:44]

[ Poll : [10/15] TCP/IP suite was created by ]


- Department of defence

- Open source

- Non of the above🙄

Quiz Bot, [03.07.21 20:44]

[ Poll : [11/15] Which protocol deals with emails ]




- X Windows

Quiz Bot, [03.07.21 20:44]

[ Poll : [12/15] Which protocol deals with resolving domain names ]




- X Windows

Quiz Bot, [03.07.21 20:45]

[ Poll : [13/15] Which protocol uses window flow system ]





Quiz Bot, [03.07.21 20:45]

[ Poll : [14/15] ICMP works on which layer ]

- Physical Layer

- Datalink Layer

- Network layer

- Transport Layer

Quiz Bot, [03.07.21 20:45]

[ Poll : [15/15] Which protocol finds the MAC address from IP address ]





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