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Artificial Intelligence Multiple Choice Questions


Artificial Intelligence Multiple Choice Questions

1) Artificial Intelligence is about_____.

  1. Playing a game on Computer
  2. Making a machine Intelligent
  3. Programming on Machine with your Own Intelligence
  4. Putting your intelligence in Machine

2) Who is known as the -Father of AI"?

  1. Fisher Ada
  2. Alan Turing
  3. John McCarthy
  4. Allen Newell

3) Select the most appropriate situation for that a blind search can be used.

  1. Real-life situation
  2. Small Search Space
  3. Complex game
  4. All of the above

4) The application/applications of Artificial Intelligence is/are

C++ vs Java

  1. Expert Systems
  2. Gaming
  3. Vision Systems
  4. All of the above

5) Among the given options, which search algorithm requires less memory?

  1. Optimal Search
  2. Depth First Search
  3. Breadth-First Search
  4. Linear Search

6) If a robot is able to change its own trajectory as per the external conditions, then the robot is considered as the__

  1. Mobile
  2. Non-Servo
  3. Open Loop
  4. Intelligent

7) Which of the given language is not commonly used for AI?

  1. LISP
  3. Python
  4. Perl

8) A technique that was developed to determine whether a machine could or could not demonstrate the artificial intelligence known as the___

  1. Boolean Algebra
  2. Turing Test
  3. Logarithm
  4. Algorithm

9) The component of an Expert system is_________.

  1. Knowledge Base
  2. Inference Engine
  3. User Interface
  4. All of the above

10) Which algorithm is used in the Game tree to make decisions of Win/Lose?

  1. Heuristic Search Algorithm
  2. DFS/BFS algorithm
  3. Greedy Search Algorithm
  4. Min/Max algorithm

11) The available ways to solve a problem of state-space-search.

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4

12) Among the given options, which is not the required property of Knowledge representation?

  1. Inferential Efficiency
  2. Inferential Adequacy
  3. Representational Verification
  4. Representational Adequacy

13) An AI agent perceives and acts upon the environment using___.

  1. Sensors
  2. Perceiver
  3. Actuators
  4. Both a and c

14) Which rule is applied for the Simple reflex agent?

  1. Simple-action rule
  2. Simple &Condition-action rule
  3. Condition-action rule
  4. None of the above

15) Which agent deals with the happy and unhappy state?

  1. Utility-based agent
  2. Model-based agent
  3. Goal-based Agent
  4. Learning Agent

16) Rational agent always does the right things.

  1. True
  2. False

17) Which term describes the common-sense of the judgmental part of problem-solving?

  1. Values-based
  2. Critical
  3. Analytical
  4. Heuristic

18) Which AI technique enables the computers to understand the associations and relationships between objects and events?

  1. Heuristic Processing
  2. Cognitive Science
  3. Relative Symbolism
  4. Pattern Matching

19) The exploration problem is where______.

  1. Agent contains the knowledge of State and actions.
  2. Agent does not contain the knowledge of State and actions.
  3. Only actions are known to the agent.
  4. None of the above

20) In the Wumpus World Problem, the reason for the uncertainty is that the agent's sensor gives only__

  1. Full & Global information
  2. Partial & Global Information
  3. Full & local information
  4. Partial & local Information

21) The search algorithm which is similar to the minimax search, but removes the branches that don't affect the final output is known as__.

  1. Depth-first search
  2. Breadth-first search
  3. Alpha-beta pruning
  4. None of the above

22) The maximum depth to which the alpha-beta pruning can be applied.

  1. Eight states
  2. Six states
  3. Ten states
  4. Any depth

23) Among the given options, which is also known as inference rule?

  1. Reference
  2. Reform
  3. Resolution
  4. None of the above

24) Which of the following option is used to build complex sentences in knowledge representation?

  1. Symbols
  2. Connectives
  3. Quantifier
  4. None of the above

25) Automatic Reasoning tool is used in_____.

  1. Personal Computers
  2. Microcomputers
  3. LISP Machines
  4. All of the above

26) If according to the hypothesis, the result should be positive, but in fact it is negative, then it is known as_______.

  1. False Negative Hypothesis
  2. False Positive Hypothesis
  3. Specialized Hypothesis
  4. Consistent Hypothesis

27) A hybrid Bayesian Network consist_____.

  1. Discrete variables only
  2. Discontinuous Variable
  3. Both Discrete and Continuous variables
  4. Continuous Variable only

28) The process of capturing the inference process as Single Inference Rule is known as:

  1. Clauses
  2. Ponens
  3. Generalized Modus Ponens
  4. Variables

29) Which process makes two different Logical expressions look identical?

  1. Unification
  2. Lifting
  3. Inference Process
  4. None of the above

30) Which algorithm takes two sentences as input and returns a Unifier?

  1. Inference
  2. Hill-Climbing
  3. Unify algorithm
  4. Depth-first search

31) The PEAS in the task environment is about____________.

  1. Peer, Environment, Actuators, Sense
  2. Performance, Environment, Actuators, Sensors
  3. Perceiving, Environment, Actuators, Sensors
  4. None of the above

32) In state-space, the set of actions for a given problem is expressed by the_____.

  1. Intermediate States
  2. Successor function that takes current action and returns next state
  3. Initial States
  4. None of the above

33) In which search problem, to find the shortest path, each city must be visited once only?

  1. Map coloring Problem
  2. Depth-first search traversal on a given map represented as a graph
  3. Finding the shortest path between a source and a destination
  4. Travelling Salesman problem

34) In the TSP problem of n cities, the time taken for traversing all cities, without having prior knowledge of the length of the minimum tour will be_______.

  1. O(n)
  2. O(n2)
  3. O(n!)
  4. O(n/2)

35) Web Crawler is an example of______.

  1. Intelligent Agent
  2. Problem-solving agent
  3. Simple reflex agent
  4. Model-based agent

36) The main function of problem-solving agent is to________.

  1. Solve the given problem and reach the goal
  2. Find out which sequence of action will get it to the goal state.
  3. Both a & b
  4. None of the above

37) In artificial Intelligence, knowledge can be represented as_______.

i. Predicate Logic

ii. Propositional Logic

iii. Compound Logic

iv. Machine Logic

  1. Both I and II
  2. Only II
  3. Both II and III
  4. Only IV

38) For propositional Logic, which statement is false?

  1. The sentences of Propositional logic can have answers other than True or False.
  2. Each sentence is a declarative sentence.
  3. Propositional logic is a knowledge representation technique in AI.
  4. None of the above

39) First order logic Statements contains______.

  1. Predicate and Preposition
  2. Subject and an Object
  3. Predicate and Subject
  4. None of the above

40) A knowledge-based agent can be defined with _____ levels.

  1. 2 Levels
  2. 3 Levels
  3. 4 Levels
  4. None of the above

41) Ways to achieve AI in real-life are_________.

  1. Machine Learning
  2. Deep Learning
  3. Both a & b
  4. None of the above

42) The main tasks of an AI agent are_______.

  1. Input and Output
  2. Moment and Humanly Actions
  3. Perceiving, thinking, and acting on the environment
  4. None of the above

43) The probabilistic reasoning depends upon____________.

  1. Estimation
  2. Observations
  3. Likelihood
  4. All of the above

44) The inference engine works on ______.

  1. Forward Chaining
  2. Backward Chaining
  3. Both a and b
  4. None of the above

45) Which of the given statement is true for Conditional Probability?

  1. Conditional Probability gives 100% accurate results.
  2. Conditional Probability can be applied to a single event.
  3. Conditional Probability has no effect or relevance on independent events.
  4. None of the above.

46) After applying conditional Probability to a given problem, we get______

  1. 100% accurate result
  2. Estimated Values
  3. Wrong Values
  4. None of the above

47) The best AI agent is one which____________

  1. Needs user inputs for solving any problem
  2. Can solve a problem on its own without any human intervention
  3. Need a similar exemplary problem in its knowledge base
  4. All of the above

48) The Bayesian Network gives________

  1. A complete description of the problem
  2. Partial Description of the domain
  3. A complete description of the domain
  4. None of the above

49) In LISP, the addition of 5+8 is entered as_______.

  1. 5+8
  2. 5 add 8
  3. 5+8=
  4. (+5 8)

50) An Algorithm is said as Complete algorithm if_______________

  1. It ends with a solution (if any exists).
  2. It begins with a solution.
  3. It does not end with a solution.
  4. It contains a loop

51) Which statement is valid for the Heuristic function?

  1. The heuristic function is used to solve mathematical problems.
  2. The heuristic function takes parameters of type string and returns an integer value.
  3. The heuristic function does not have any return type.
  4. The heuristic function calculates the cost of an optimal path between the pair of states.

52) Which of the given element improve the performance of AI agent so that it can make better decisions?

  1. Changing Element
  2. Performance Element
  3. Learning Element
  4. None of the above

53) How many types of Machine Learning are there?

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4

54) The decision tree algorithm reaches its destination using_____________.

  1. Single Test
  2. Two Test
  3. Sequence of test
  4. No test

55) In LISP programming, the square root is entered as_____.

  1. Sqrt(x)
  2. (sqrt x)
  3. x/2
  4. none of the above

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