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Computer Graphics

                                           Computer Graphics 

                                                (Part-- 01)

[ Poll : [1/10] Graphics can be - ]

- Drawing

- All of the above

- Movie,photographic

- Simulations

[ Poll : [2/10] Which devices provides positional information to the graphics system  ]

- Both input and pointing device

- Pointing device

- Input device

- Output device

[ Poll : [3/10] A user can make any change in the image using - ]

- None of these

- Both  I and Non

- Non- interactive computer graphics

- Interactive computer graphics

[ Poll : [4/10] Which one of the following terms is used for the area of the computer captured by an application? ]

- Viewport

- Windows

- None of these

- Display

[ Poll : [5/10] CAD stands for - ]

- None of these

- Computer aided design

- Computer art design

- Car art design

[ Poll : [6/10] The components of Interactive computer graphics are - ]

- All of the above

- A monitor

- Frame buffer

- Display controller

[ Poll : [7/10] Which one of the following is the primarily used output device? ]

- Video monitor

- Scanner

- Speaker

- Printer

[ Poll : [8/10] What is a pixel mask? ]

- a string containing only 0's

- a string containing two 0's

- a string containing only 1's

- a string containing both 0's and 1's

[ Poll : [9/10] In graphical system, the array of pixels in the picture are stored in ]

- Processor

- Frame buffer

- Memory

- All of the mentioned

[ Poll : [10/10] The number of pixels stored in the frame buffer of a graphics system is known as ]

- None of these

- Depths

- Resalution

- Resolution

                                            (Part-- 02)

[ Poll : [1/30] Vector graphics is composed of ]

- Pixel

- Pallets

- Paths

- None

[ Poll : [2/30] What is the pixel range for an RGB image?   ]

- 0  - 1

- None

- 0 -2^24

- 0 - 2

[ Poll : [3/30] Raster Scan Display Provides the refresh rate ]

- 60 to 80

- 80 to 100

- None

- 30 to 60

[ Poll : [4/30] Computer Graphics Used In ]

- All

- None

- Animation

- Image Processing


[ Poll : [5/30] Shadow Mask Technique comes under ]

- Stroke Writting Display

- Both random or stroke writing display

- Vector Scan Display

- Random Scan Display 

[ Poll : [6/30] Determine whether the given condition is true or  

false. "Computer games development does not include computer  

graphics as there are no graphs and pics in it." ]

- True

- False

[ Poll : [7/30] Shadow mask Technique Produces   ]

- None

- Only three colors

- Only four colors

- Millions of colors

[ Poll : [8/30] Frame Buffer is also known as   ]

- Raster

- Both

- Bitmap

- None

[ Poll : [9/30] In beam penetration technique , how many electron guns are used ]

- 2

- 4

- 1

- 3

[ Poll : [10/30] Computer Graphics was developed by Ivan Shuderland at ? ]

- 1975

- 1983

- 1973

- 1963

[ Poll : [11/30] CAD Stands for ]

- Computer Aided Design

- Computer Aided Demonstration

- Computer Aided Description

- Computer Aided Destination

[ Poll : [12/30] Non Interactive Computer Graphics involve ]

- One Way Communication

- Two Way Communication

- All

- None

[ Poll : [13/30] RGB stand for?  ]

- None

- Red , Green ,  Blue image

- Real , grey ,  Black Image

- Red , greyed ,  Background Image

[ Poll : [14/30] Beam Penetration Technique comes under ]

- Stroke Writting Display

- Vector Scan Display

- Both vector and random

- Random Scan Display

[ Poll : [15/30] When the width & height of the image is Decreased then the resolution of the image is ]

- Increased

- Decreased

- None

- Remains same

[ Poll : [16/30] The Component of Interactive Computer Graphics are   ]

- Display Unit

- Light Pen

- None

- Both

[ Poll : [17/30] Beam Penetration Technique Produces   ]

- Only four colors

- Millions of colors

- Only three colors

- None

[ Poll : [18/30] Vector Scan Display Provides the refresh rate ]

- None

- 60 to 80

- 30 to 60

- 80 to 100

[ Poll : [19/30] Which are the component of CRT   ]

- Heater

- Electron Guns

- All

- Grid

- Horizontal / Vertical Deflection

[ Poll : [20/30] What is the range of the pixels in a Grayscale  

images? ]

- 0 - 1

- c. 0 - 2^10

- 0 - 255

- None

[ Poll : [21/30] How many types of computer graphics ? ]

- 4

- 3

- 1

- 2

[ Poll : [22/30] An Aspect Ratio is ]

- Both a & c

- Width / Height  

- Height / Width

- Only b

- Horizontal / Vertical

[ Poll : [23/30] Raster graphics is composed of   ]

- Pixel

- Pallete

- None

- Paths

[ Poll : [24/30] Which of the following options is false according to the definition of Computer Graphics? ]

- Computer graphics can be used to provide better user   interface

- Computer graphics can improve the sound quality of a   video

- None

- Computer Graphics is used for animation purposes.

[ Poll : [25/30] In Shadow Mask technique , how many electron guns are used   ]

- 3

- 1

- 4

- 2

[ Poll : [26/30] Computer Graphics was developed by ? ]

- Sun Microsystems

- Dennis Richie

- John Tylor

- Ivan Shuderland

[ Poll : [27/30] Vector Scan Display is also known as   ]

- All

- Calligraphic Display

- Stroke Writting Display

- Random Scan Display

[ Poll : [28/30] When the width & height of the image is increased then the resolution of the image is ]

- None

- Decreased

- Increased

- Remains same

[ Poll : [29/30] Interactive Computer Graphics involve ]

- Two Way Communication

- All

- One Way Communication

- None

[ Poll : [30/30] The pixel has how many elements ]

- 3

- 2 

- 4

- 1

                                                                   (Part-- 03)

[ Poll : [1/30] The primary output device in a graphics system is_________ ]

- Video Monitor

- None

- Printer

- Scanner

[ Poll : [2/30] The devices which converts the electrical energy into light is called ]

- Non-emitters

- Emitters

- Liquid-crystal displays

- Plasma panels

[ Poll : [3/30] Which one of the following is the primarily used output device? ]

- Video Monitor

- Scanner

- Printer

- Speaker

[ Poll : [4/30] Geometric transformation include  ]

- scaling

- transition

- None

- drawing

[ Poll : [5/30] Trackball is ]

- Two-dimensional positioning device

- None

- Three-dimensional positioning device

- Pointing Device

[ Poll : [6/30] Display card is used for the purpose of ]

- Receiving graphics data from input unit

- None

- Sending graphics data to output unit

- Sending graphics data to input unit

[ Poll : [7/30] The basic input device in GUI is  ]

- keyboard

- monitor

- All

- mouse

[ Poll : [8/30] Raster Scan Displays is used to describe ]

- Display

- Matrix

- Screen

- Array

[ Poll : [9/30] The division of the computer screen into rows and columns that define the number of pixels to display a picture  

is called   ]

- Resolution

- None

- Persistence

- Encapsulated Post Script

[ Poll : [10/30] Pixels are arranged in ]

- Two dimensional grid

- One dimensional grid

- None

- Three dimensional grid

[ Poll : [11/30] ________ stores the picture information as a charge distribution behind the phosphor-coated screen. ]

- 3D viewing device

- Cathode ray tube

- Flat panel displays

- Direct-view storage tube

[ Poll : [12/30] Graphics can be ]

- Movie, photographs

- All

- Drawing

- Simulation

[ Poll : [13/30] A video display device with the smallest height, lowest power usage, and lightest weight is ]

- None

- LED display device

- Flat panel display device

- CRT display device

[ Poll : [14/30] A ___ is used by the video controller to store many entries  

of pixel values in RGB format.  ]

- Lookup table

- Static Table

- All

- Dynamic table

[ Poll : [15/30] In graphical system, the array of pixels in the picture are stored in ]

- Frame buffer

- Processor

- Memory

- All

[ Poll : [16/30] A display controller converts 0s and 1s to the ...  ]

- Text wrapping

- None

- Display Devices

- Video signal

[ Poll : [17/30] Which controller is used in the frame buffer? ]

- Digital controller

- Data controller

- Display controller

- None

[ Poll : [18/30] ___ is responsible for producing the picture from the  

detailed descriptions.  ]

- Application program

- Graphical System

- Conceptual model 

- Application model

[ Poll : [19/30] The number of pixels stored in the frame buffer of a graphics system is known as ]

- d. Only b

- a. Depth

- c. Resalution

- b. Resolution

[ Poll : [20/30] RGB models are used for ]

- Graphical display

- Graphical error 

- None

- Graphical system

[ Poll : [21/30] Heat supplied to the cathode by directing a current through a coil of wire is called ]

- Filament

- Electron gun

- Electron beam

- Anode and cathode

[ Poll : [22/30] Random-scan system mainly designed for ]

- Fog effect

- Realistic shaded screen

- Line-drawing applications

- None

[ Poll : [23/30] A pixel may be defined as   ]

- Medium Size

- None

- Smallest Size

- Largest Size

[ Poll : [24/30] The amount of pixels contained in a graphics system's frame buffer is referred to as ]

- Screen Color

- None

- Resolution

- Screen Size

[ Poll : [25/30] Flood is also known as   ]

- None

- Both

- Secondary Gun

- Primary Gun

[ Poll : [26/30] GUI stands for  ]

- Graphical user interaction

- None

- Graphical uniform interchange

- Graphics user interface

[ Poll : [27/30] The translation of a specified picture description  

into a series of pixel-intensity values for storage in the frame  

buffer is known as digitization, it is also known as ... ]

- Scan conversion

- Rasterization

- Randomization

- Encoding

[ Poll : [28/30] DVST stands for  ]

- Digital View Storage Tube

- Direct Visual Storing Tube

- Direct View Storage Tube

- Digital View Storing Time

[ Poll : [29/30]  A user can make any change in the image using ]

- None

- Interactive computer graphics

- Both

- Non Interactive computer graphics

[ Poll : [30/30] Which of the following is defined by the number of pixels present in the frame buffer?  ]

- Resolution

- Depth

- Both

- None

                                                                      (Part-- 04)

[ Poll : [1/30] 7. A straight line segment is translated by applying the transformation equation ]

- a. P’=P+T

- b. Dx and Dy

- c. P’=P+P

- d. both a and c

[ Poll : [2/30] 15. Which of the following is must be specified to generate a rotation? ]

- a. Rotational distance

- b. Rotation angle

- c. Co-ordinates

- d. None of the above

[ Poll : [3/30] 12. Which of the following is not the pattern of line? ]

- a. Dotted line

- b. Dashed line

- c. Dark line

- d. All of the above

[ Poll : [4/30] 6. _________ is a rigid body transformation that moves objects without deformation. ]

- a. Rotation

- b. Scaling

- c. Translation

- d. All

[ Poll : [5/30] 27. Which transformation distorts the shape of an object such that the transformed shape appears as if the object were composed of internal layers that had been caused to slide over each other? ]

- a. Rotation

- b. Scaling up

- c. Scaling down

- d. Shearing

[ Poll : [6/30] 23. Which transformation is used, to change the size of an object? ]

- a. scaling transformation

- b. vector transformation

- c. simple transformation

- d. reflection transformation

[ Poll : [7/30] 22. We can represent the point by 3 numbers instead of 2 numbers, which is called? ]

- a. Hetrogenous Coordinate system

- b. Simple Coordinate system

- c. Homogenous Coordinate system

- d. All of the above

[ Poll : [8/30] 11. To generate a rotation , we must specify ]

- a. Rotation angle Ï´

- b. Distances dx and dy

- c. Rotation distance

- d. All of the above

[ Poll : [9/30] 29. The rotation axis that is perpendicular to the xy plane and passes through the pivot point is known as ]

- a.  Translation

- b.  Scaling

- c.  Shearing

- d.  Rotation

[ Poll : [10/30] 1. A translation is applied to an object by ]

- a. Repositioning it along with straight line path

- b. Repositioning it along with circular path

- c. Both a and b

- d. None of the above

[ Poll : [11/30] 10. The basic geometric transformations are ]

- a. Translation

- b. Rotation

- c. Scaling

- d. All of the above

[ Poll : [12/30] 28. If the scaling factors values Sx and Sy < 1 then ]

- a. It increases the size of object

- b. It stunts the shape of an object

- c. It reduces the size of object

- d. None of the above

[ Poll : [13/30] 26. In reflection transformation, the size of the object does not change. ]

- a. TRUE

- b. FALSE

- c. Can not say

- d. Nahi Padhe Hai 😂😂🤣

[ Poll : [14/30] 13. The process of positioning an object along a straight line path from one coordinate point to another is called ]

- a. Translation

- b. Reflection

- c. Shearing

- d. Transformation

[ Poll : [15/30] 8. Polygons are translated by adding __________ to the coordinate position of each vertex and the current attribute setting. ]

- a. Straight line path

- b. Translation vector

- c. Differences

- d. All of the above

[ Poll : [16/30] 16. A positive value of the rotation angle ]

- a. rotates an object in the clockwise direction

- b. rotates an object in the counter-clockwise direction

- c. Both of the above

- d. None of the above

[ Poll : [17/30] 3. The translation distances (dx, dy) is called as ]

- a. Translation vector

- b. Shift vector

- c. Both a and b

- d. Neither a nor b

[ Poll : [18/30] 5. The two-dimensional translation equation in the matrix form is ]

- a. P’=P+T

- b. P’=P-T

- c. P’=P*T

- d. P’=p

[ Poll : [19/30] 25. The Y-Shear preserves the ______ coordinates and changes the __________ coordinates ]

- a. X, X

- b.  Y, Y

- c. X, Y

- d. Y, X

[ Poll : [20/30] 20. The process of displaying 3D into a 2D display unit is called as ]

- a. Resolution

- b. Projection

- c. Rasterization

- d. Transformation

[ Poll : [21/30] 19. The phase of determining the appropriate pixels for representing images or graphics object is called as ]

- a. Translation

- b. Transformation

- c. Rasterization

- d. Scaling

[ Poll : [22/30] 4. In 2D-translation, a point (x, y) can move to the new position (x’, y’) by using the equation ]

- a. x’=x+dx and y’=y+dx

- b. x’=x+dx and y’=y+dy

- c. X’=x+dy and Y’=y+dx

- d. X’=x-dx and y’=y-dy

[ Poll : [23/30] 24. How many types of shear transformations ? ]

- a. 1

- b. 2

- c. 3

- d. 4

[ Poll : [24/30] 18. Clipping in computer graphics is primarily used for ]

- a. zooming

- b. copying

- c. removing objects and lines

- d. All of the above

[ Poll : [25/30] 9. To change the position of a circle or ellipse we translate ]

- a. Center coordinates

- b. Center coordinates and redraw the figure in new location

- c. Outline coordinates

- d. All of the above

[ Poll : [26/30] 14. The process of repositioning an object along a circular path is called ]

- a. Translation

- b. Rotation

- c. Scaling

- d. None of the above

                                           (Part-- 05)

[ Poll : [1/12] 1. In perspective projection, all lines of sight start at a ________ point. ]

- a. Double

- b. Triple

- c. Single

- d. Multiple

[ Poll : [2/12] 2. The sweep representation of an object refers to the ]

- a. 2D representation

- b. 3D representation

- c. Both a & b

- None

[ Poll : [3/12] 3. The types of projection are ]

- a. Perpendicular and perspective projection

- b.   Parallel projection and Perpendicular projection

- c. Parallel projection and perspective projection

- d. None

[ Poll : [4/12] 4.   The types of parallel projection are ]

- a.   Orthographic projection and quadric projection

- b. Oblique projection and quadric projection

- c. Orthographic projection and oblique projection

- d. None

[ Poll : [5/12] 5. The process of changing the position of an object from one coordinate location to another in a straight line path is called ___ ]

- a. Transformation

- b. Transaction

- c. Translation

- d. Translocation

[ Poll : [6/12] 6. The homogeneous coordinate is represented by a ___. ]

- a. Quadruplet

- b.Triplet

- c.Tetractic

- d. None

[ Poll : [7/12] 7. _______ is used to Converts continuous picture into discrete pixels. ]

- a. Quantization

- b. Scan Conversion

- c. Rasterization

- d. Motion dynamics

[ Poll : [8/12] 8. The initial size of segment of line will be ]

- a. 0

- b. 1

- c. 2

- d. 3

[ Poll : [9/12] 9. The transformation that produces a parallel mirror image of an object are called ]

- a. Reflection

- b. Rotation

- c. Shearing

- d. Scaling

[ Poll : [10/12] 10. The transformation that disturbs the shape of an object are called ]

- a. Reflection

- b. Rotation

- c. Shearing

- d. Scaling

[ Poll : [11/12] 11. The two dimensional rotation equation in the matrix form is ]

- a. P' = R * P

- b. P' = P + T

- c. P' = P * P

- D. P' = R + P

[ Poll : [12/12] 12.  The tow dimensional translation equation in the matrix form is ]

- a. P=P*T

- b. P=P-T

- c. P=P+T

- d. P=p

                                             (Part-- 06)

[ Poll : [1/12] 8.What is the name of the space in which the image is displayed? ]

- World co-ordinate system

- Interface windows

- World windows

- Screen co-ordinate system

[ Poll : [2/12] 11.The scale factor of viewport transformation for x co-ordinate is ________ ]

- Sy = (svmax – svmin)/ (swmax – swmin)

- Sy = (svmax + svmin)/ (swmax + swmin)

- Sy = (svmax – svmin)/ (swmax + swmin)

- None

[ Poll : [3/12] 1.A word-cordinate are selected for display is called a? ]

- None

- Windows

- Viewport

- Clipping

[ Poll : [4/12] 12.Which of the following ports resembles the coordinates from the real-world system? ]

- Universal port

- Windows port

- None

- View port

[ Poll : [5/12] 5.Which one is not a type of clipping? ]

- Ponit

- Area

- Clipped

- Line

[ Poll : [6/12] 3.A line or lines entirely inside the window is considered _____ ]

- Clipped

- Visible

- Invisible

- None

[ Poll : [7/12] 2.How many type of line? ]

- 5

- 2

- 3

- 4

[ Poll : [8/12] 9.What is the rectangle in the world defining the region that is to be displayed? ]

- Interface windows

- World co-ordinate system

- World Windows

- Scree co-ordinate system

[ Poll : [9/12] 10.The process of mapping a world window in World Coordinates to the Viewport is called Viewing transformation. ]

- False

- True

[ Poll : [10/12] 7.The object space or the space in which the application model is defined is called ____________ ]

- Screen  co-ordinate system

- World co-ordinate system

- World windows

- Interface windows

[ Poll : [11/12] 6_____is used to determine whether the point is inside the window ]

- Area clipping

- Text clipping

- Line clipping

- Point clipping

[ Poll : [12/12] 4.A____ define in normalized co ordinate a rectangular are on the display device where the image of the data appers. ]

- Clipping

- Viewport

- None

- Windows

                                    (Part-- 07)

[ Poll : [1/20] On raster system, lines are plotted with ]

- Lines

- None

- Dots

- Pixels

[ Poll : [2/20] In Bresenham’s line algorithm, if the distances d1 < d2 then decision parameter Pk is_____ ]

- Positive

- Negative

- Equal

- None

[ Poll : [3/20] Which of the following algorithms can be used for circle generation? ]

- Bresenham’s algorithm

- Midpoint algorithm

- None

- Both

[ Poll : [4/20] Which of the following is a line drawing algorithm? ]

- Bressenham's algorithm

- Line equation algorithm

- Digital Differential Analyzer (DDA) algorithm

- All

[ Poll : [5/20] Merits of DDA algorithms  ]

- Bresenham's algorithm can draw circles and curves with much more accuracy than the  DDA algorithm.

- Bresenham's algorithm is faster than DDA algorithm

- It is the simplest algorithm and it does not require special skills for implementation.

- Bresenham's algorithm is more efficient and much more accurate than DDA algorithm

[ Poll : [6/20] If we want to recolor an area that is not defined within a single color boundary is known as ]

- None

- Flood-fill algorithm

- Parallel curve algorithm

- Boundary-fill algorithm

[ Poll : [7/20] The method which used either delta x or delta y, whichever is larger, is chosen as one raster unit to draw the line this algorithm is called ? ]

- DDA Line Algorithm

- Midpoint Line Algorithm

- Bresenham`s Line Algorithm

- Generalized Bresenham`s Algorithm

[ Poll : [8/20] An accurate and efficient raster line-generating algorithm is ]

- Parallel line algorithm

- DDA algorithm

- Mid-point algorithm

- Bresenham’s line algorithm

[ Poll : [9/20] From the given list of options, which one is the accurate and efficient line-generating algorithm ? ]

- DDA algorithm

- None

- Bresenham's line drawing  algorithm

- Midpoint algorithm

[ Poll : [10/20] Which algorithm is a faster method for calculating pixel positions? ]

- Mid-point algorithm

- DDA line algorithm

- Parallel line algorithm

- Bresenham’s line algorithm

[ Poll : [11/20] Which of the following are true with respect to the Bresenham's algorithm? ]

- It produces smooth polygons

- The results of this algorithm are 100 percent accurate.

- All

- Due to integer operations, it's complexity gets reduced

[ Poll : [12/20] The end point accuracy of DDA line drawing algorithm is ____________. ]

- Good

- Better

- Poor

- Best

[ Poll : [13/20] If the boundary is specified in a single color, and if the algorithm proceeds pixel by pixel until the boundary color is encountered is called ]

- Boundary-fill algorithm

- Scan-line fill algorithm

- Flood-fill algorithm

- Parallel curve algorithm

[ Poll : [14/20] In circle drawing algorithm we use ]

- 4 symmetry

- 2 symmetry

- No symmetry

- 8 symmetry

[ Poll : [15/20] The best line drawing algorithm among all possible line drawing algorithms is ________________. ]

- Bresenham's


- None

- use of integer addition and subtraction

[ Poll : [16/20] Floating point arithmetic in DDA algorithm is ______________. ]

- Time efficient

- Slow

- Time consuming

- Fast

[ Poll : [17/20] The algorithm which uses multiple processors to calculate pixel positions is ]

- Bresenham’s line algorithm

- Parallel line algorithm

- Midpoint algorithm

- All

[ Poll : [18/20] There are 2 types of polygons. They are ? ]

- squire and rectangle

- hexagon and squire

- octagon and convex

- convex and concave

[ Poll : [19/20] Which of the following properties is followed by the Bresenham's algorithm? ]

- It uses floating point operations

- All

- It is an incremental method

- It chooses points randomly

[ Poll : [20/20] DDA Stands for ]

- Digital differential analyzer

- Data differential analyzer

- Digital difference analyzer

- Direct differential analyzer

                                              (Part-- 08)


[ Poll : [2/27] The B-spline curve has a ]

- 1st order continuity

- 2nd order continuity

- Zero order continuity

- 3rd order continuity


[ Poll : [3/27] How many types of line drawing algorithm in cg ? ]

- 4

- 5

- 3

- 2


[ Poll : [4/27] Bresenham's line drawing algorithm was invented in ]

- 1962

- 1952

- 1982

- 1961


[ Poll : [5/27]  which algorithm is used to avoids the generation of duplicate points. ]

- None

- DDA algorithm

- Bresenham's algorithm

- Simple line drawing algorithm


[ Poll : [6/27] By using DDA algorithm , we can draw ]

- None

- Only circle

- Only line

- Both


[ Poll : [7/27] Implicit representation of circle is ]

- x2 + y2 + R2 = 0

- x2 - y2 - R2 = 0

- x2 + y2 = - R2 

- x2 + y2 - R2 = 0


[ Poll : [8/27] In cg, Curves can be broadly classified into ]

- Five categories

- three categories

- two categories

- Four categories


[ Poll : [9/27] ________curves allow local control of the curve. ]

- Bezier

- B - Spline

- Hermite cubic spline

- Analytical


[ Poll : [10/27] DDA algorithmic rule involves ]

- Addition and substraction

- Multiplication and division

- Addition and division

- Substraction and multiplication


[ Poll : [11/27] DDA algorithmic rule uses ]

- Both

- None

- floating point values

- Integer values


[ Poll : [12/27] Which of the following is not an analytical entity ? ]

- Parabola

- Eclipse

- Spline

- Hyperbola


[ Poll : [13/27] DDA Algorithm is ....... than bresenham's algorithm. ]

- Cheaper

- Let's Confused 🤔🤔

- Sorry I am not able to attend correct answer 😥😥

- Expensive


[ Poll : [14/27] quadratic Bezier curve is determined by ]

- Four control points

- Five control points

- Two control points

- three control points


[ Poll : [15/27] A many sided figure is termed as ]

- None

- Rectangle

- Square

- Polygon


[ Poll : [16/27] The line segment of polygon are called as ]

- Edge

- Vertices

- Line


[ Poll : [17/27] Bezier curve is discovered by the French engineer .  ]

- Hierre Bézier

- Pierre Bézier

- Rierre Bézier

- Gierre Bézier


[ Poll : [18/27] The end point of polygon are called as ]

- Line

- Edge

- None

- Vertices


[ Poll : [19/27] DDA and Bresenham's algorithm are ]

- Analog line drawing algorithm

- None

- Both

- Digital line drawing algorithm.


[ Poll : [20/27] How many types of polygon in cg ]

- 4

- 3

- 1

- 2


[ Poll : [21/27] The slope of line segment is represented by ]

- dy/dx

- y/x

- x/y

- dx/dy


[ Poll : [22/27] The number of control points can be added or subtracted in _____________. ]

- Cubic spline curve

- Bezier curve

- All

- B-spline curve

                                            (Part-- 09) 


[ Poll : [1/31] How many types of polygon in cg ? ]

- 2

- 3

- 4

- 5


[ Poll : [2/31] Which of the following is a polygon clipping algorithm ? ]

- Mid Point Subdivision Algorithm

- Suther Land Hodgeman Algorithm

- Liang Barsky Algorithm

- Cohen Sutherland Algorithm


[ Poll : [3/31] Which of the following is a line clipping algorithm ]

- b. Cohen Sutherland Algorithm

- d. Both b & c

- e. Only b

- c. Liang Barsky Algorithm

- a. Sutherland Hodgeman Algorithm


[ Poll : [4/31] How many types of polygon filling algorithm ? ]

- 3

- 4

- 2

- 5


[ Poll : [5/31] How many types of seed fill algorithm ? ]

- 5

- 3

- 2

- 4


[ Poll : [6/31] It is a process of removing unwanted portion of the window which is lying outside the windows. ]

- Cutting

- Clipping

- Zooming

- Morphing


[ Poll : [7/31] For polygon clipping , we use ]

- Cohen Sutherland algorithm

- Liang barsky algorithm

- Mid point sub division algorithm

- Sutherland hodgeman algorithm


[ Poll : [8/31] It is basically a closed circuit which is made of many line segments. ]

- All

- Circle

- Curve

- Polygon


[ Poll : [9/31] A line joining any two interior points of a polygon that lies inside a polygon is called ... ]

- Convex

- Polygon

- Concave

- Curve


[ Poll : [10/31] A line joining any two interior points of a polygon that lies outside a polygon is called ... ]

- Polygon

- Convex

- Curve

- Concave


[ Poll : [11/18]   The property of convex polygon is ]

- It has any angle less than 180 degree

- It has any angle greater than 180 degree

- All

- Remains same


[ Poll : [12/18]  The property of a concave polygon is ]

- It has any angle less than 180 degree

- Remains same

- It has any angle greater than 180 degree

- All


[ Poll : [13/18] Cohen Sutherland divides the windows into ]

- 9 region

- 16 region

- 8 region

- 12 region


[ Poll : [14/18]  Den Cohen & Ivan Sutherland is developed ]

- Liang Bersky algorithm

- Sutherland hodgeman algorithm

- Cohen Sutherland algorithm

- Mid point subdivision algorithm


[ Poll : [15/18]   Region code has ]

- 12 digit code

- 9 digit code

- 4 digit code

- 8 digit code


[ Poll : [16/18]   TBRL code has ]

- 12 digit

- 4 digit

- 8 digit

- 16 digit


[ Poll : [17/18] Pitway and wan aken was developed ]

- Mid point subdivision algorithm

- Liang bersky algorithm

- Suthar land hodgeman algorithm

- Cohen sutherland algorithm

 [ Poll : [18/18]   How many types of polygon clipping algorithm ? ]

- 5

- 3

- 4

- 2


[ Poll : [19/18]  How many methods comes " inside outside test " ? ]

- 2

- 4

- 3

- 5


[ Poll : [20/18]  It works on the principle that calculates the number of intersections with the polygon edge. ]

- Even odd rule

- None

- Non zero winding number rules

- Both


[ Poll : [21/18]  The boundary fill algorithm can be implement using ]

- 8 connected pixel

- 12 connected pixel

- 4 connected pixel

- 16 connected pixel

- 4 & 8 connected pixel


[ Poll : [22/18]  Polygon is also known as ]

- Curve

- Many sided figure

- One sided figure

- All


[ Poll : [23/18] Which of the following is an example of a convex polygon ? ]

- 2 & 3

- 1 & 4

- 1 & 2

- 3 & 4     

                                         (Part-- 10)

The Transformation in which the dimension of an object are changed relative to specified fixed point is called *
.......................... is very important in creating animated images on the screen. *
The rectangle portion of the interface window that defines where the image will actually appear are called *
The process of cutting off the line which are outside the window are called *
The alteration of the original shape of an object, image,sound,waveform or other form of information are called *
Random Scan Systems are designed for *
If a line joining any of two interior points li completely within it are called *
Two basic technique for producing color display with a CRT are *
Which color is produced with the green and Red dots only *
The Cohen-Sutherland algorithm divides the region into _____ number of spaces. *
Shearing is also termed as ___________ *
Expansion of line DDA algorithm is *
An accurate and efficient raster line-generating algorithm is *
Which keys allows user to enter frequently used operations in a single key stroke? *
In a convex polygon, each of the interior angles is less than ____degrees. *
One of the drawbacks of Sutherland- Hodgeman algorithm is that it can’t produce ____________ areas. *
In 2D-translation, a point (x,y) can move to the new position (x’, y’) by using the equation *
In Cohen Sutherland Line Clipping, we Perform OR operation on both of the end-points and If the OR operation gives 0000 Then *
It is the screen coordinate where the objects is to be displayed *

Given a triangle with coordinate points A(3, 4), B(6, 4), C(5, 6). Apply the reflection on the X axis and obtain the new coordinates of the object. *

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