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Management (Common)

                            Management (Common)

                                                       (Part-- 01)

[ Poll : [1/15] The simplified style business letter has ]

- A salutation

- A complimentary close

- Indentation

- A subject line

[ Poll : [2/15] Good bussiness letter are characteristics by the following personal quality of the writer ]

- Formality

- Seriousness

- Sincerity

- Humour

[ Poll : [3/15] Modern letter business letter are usually written in ]

- Simplified style

- Indented style

- Full-block style

- Semi-block style

[ Poll : [4/15] Down word communications flow from _______to______ ]

- Right to left

- Horizontal

- Lower to uper

- Uper to lower

[ Poll : [5/15] Appel and registration are used in ___________ communication ]

- Downward

- Diagonal

- Upward

- Horizontal

[ Poll : [6/15] Feedback can come in the form of ]

- Verbal or non-verbal  listener response

- Environmental noise

- Non-verbal communication only

- Verbal communication only

[ Poll : [7/15] Simplicity in writing means essentially ]

- the use of simple tense

- the use of simple sentences

- Plainness

- the use of simple word

[ Poll : [8/15] Management exists at the level the level of organization ]

- Middle

- Lower

- Top

- All of the above

[ Poll : [9/15] A memorandum is considered a vedic from of written communication for ]

- Legal us

- None of these

- Form us

- Internal us

[ Poll : [10/15] Management is? ]

- None of these

- Both

- An arte

- A science

[ Poll : [11/15] A persuasive will fail if ]

- It only list fact

- It move too slowly

- it does not focus on what is in it for the reader

- All of the above

[ Poll : [12/15] The study of communication through touch is ]

- Proxemic

- Chronemic

- Haptics

- Semantic

[ Poll : [13/15] Feedback is listener ]

- Acceptance of a message

- Verbal or non-verbal response to a message

- Aversion to a message

- Verbal critique of your message

[ Poll : [14/15] The most important goal of business communication is_________ ]

- favorable relationship between sender and receiver

- Receiver understanding

- Receiver response

- Organization good will

[ Poll : [15/15] Horizontal communication takes place between _________ ]

- Subordinate to superior

- Superior to subordinate

- Employee with same status

- All of the above

                                    (Part-- 02)

[ Poll : [1/11] The word________denotes a function, a task, a discipline. ]

- Motivation

- All

- Management

- Leadership

[ Poll : [2/11] An example of a communication channel in ]

- Context

- Feedback

- Face to face conversation

- Noise

[ Poll : [3/11] A message can only deemad effective when it is ]

- repeated back as proof of understanding

- All

- Delivered with confidenc

- understood by others and produces the intended results

[ Poll : [4/11] Form letter are also known as ]

- Bad news latter

- Circular letter

- Formal letter

- Persuasive sales latter

[ Poll : [5/11] The control function of managment embraces. ]

- All

- Budgetary control

- Cost control

- Financial control

[ Poll : [6/11] Planning,organizing,directing,and controlling are the ]

- Results of Managment

- Goals of Managment

- None

- Function of managment

[ Poll : [7/11] To decode a message is to ]

- Reject a message

- interpret a message

- translate ideas into code

- Evaluate a message

[ Poll : [8/11] Which of the following is not a barrier to effective communication ]

- Filtering

- Channel richness

- Defensiveness

- Language

[ Poll : [9/11] Management as a discipline is the function of________. ]

- Creativity

- Science

- Art

- All

[ Poll : [10/11] The ability to communication effectively ]

- can be learned

- depends on the education level of those around you

- depends on not using technology to send messages

- is a natural talent that cannot be learned

[ Poll : [11/11] Management is said to be the combination of ]

- Art,science,profession

- Art,engineering,science

- All

- Art,commerce,science

                                                                (Part-- 03)

[ Poll : [1/16] Which of the following is the correct abbreviation of HRM? ]

- None

- Human resources managment

- Human relationship management

- Human resources manager

[ Poll : [2/16] It can be defined of training using & maintaining a satisfied work force ]

- Line department managment

- staffing process

- All

- Personal management

[ Poll : [3/16] Finding ways to reduce __________ is a crucial responsibility of management ]

- Uncertainty

- Dissatisfaction

- Stress

- None

[ Poll : [4/16] Which one example of one job training? ]

- Class room

- None

- Intership training

- Audio visual

[ Poll : [5/16] Which of the following correctly defines the Human Resource Department? ]

- Functional department

- Service department

- Line department

- None

[ Poll : [6/16] Human factor can be defined as __________ ]

- Micro and macro issues of socioeconomic factor

- Interrelated Physiological, Psychological and Socio-ethical aspects of a human being.

- None

- The entire concept of human behavior

[ Poll : [8/16] Which of the following components are reformed to support the strategies of human resource function? ]

- A. Control system

- B.Appointment

- C.Reward

- D. Both A and B

[ Poll : [9/16] How many method of training? ]

- 6

- 2

- 3

- 4

[ Poll : [10/16] Which one not is motivation process ]

- All

- Physiological need

- Socialneed

- Self

[ Poll : [11/16] Factory act in? ]

- 1948

- 1957

- 1947

- 1954

[ Poll : [12/16] Which one is the method of training? ]

- None

- Off job training

- One job training

- Both

[ Poll : [13/16] ____ is the process of increasing the knowledge and skills of employee to perform specific job ]

- Education

- Training

- All

- Development

[ Poll : [14/16] Which one not  is good quality of leaders? ]

- Positive energy

- All

- Knowledge

- Integrity

[ Poll : [15/16] ESI stand for? ]

- None

- Employee state insurance

- Empire state insurance

- Environment state

[ Poll : [16/16] Industrial dispute act in ? ]

- 1946

- None

- 1984

- 1945

                                         (Part-- 04)

[ Poll : [1/10] VAT is very important part of ____ of county ? ]



- None


[ Poll : [2/10] VAT introduce in taxation system on April _,2005 ]

- 4

- 1

- 3

- 2

[ Poll : [3/10] Income tax act of india paned in __? ]

- 1997

- 1962

- 1961

- 1965

[ Poll : [4/10] How many type of capital? ]

- 2

- 3

- 5

- 4

[ Poll : [5/10] What is the disadvantage of VAT? ]

- Visit to tax department will reduce

- VAT is easier to enforce

- Self assessment by dealer

- VAT may to lead to tax evision

[ Poll : [6/10] A ___ is a proposal of activities to be done in future .It's a management tool for planning. ]

- Working capital

- Capital

- Long term fund

- Budget

[ Poll : [7/10] Which one is not a type of excise duty in india? ]

- Special excise duty

- Additional excise duty

- Long excise duty

- Basic excise duty

[ Poll : [8/10] The money invest in the business in order to yield or achieve an income is known as? ]

- Capital

- Budget

- Finance

- None

[ Poll : [9/10] ____Is a capital or money that we invest in fixed asset such as land building equipment etc. ]

- C.Working capital

- Both A and B

- B.Fixed capital

- A.Block capital

[ Poll : [10/10] How many type of exicse duty in india ? ]

- 3

- 4

- 1

- 2

                                                (Part-- 05)


[ Poll : [1/12] The following is not a type of organisation structure ]

- Function organization

- Line organization

- Flexible organization

- Line/staff organization


[ Poll : [2/12] How many type of Organization Management ]

- 3

- 5

- 4

- 2


[ Poll : [3/12] Organisation establishes relationship between ]

- Customer, work and management

- People,work,resource

- People, work and management

- Customer, work and resources


[ Poll : [4/12] __________ is recognised as father of “Human relations” ]

- Elton mayo

- Williams Gilbreth

- Hendry fayol

- F.W Taylor


[ Poll : [5/12] Which organisation structure is generally followed by big steel plants? ]

- All of these

- Line/staff organization

- Functional organization

- Line organization


[ Poll : [6/12] Departmentation leads to grouping of ]

- Both A and B

- Activities

- None

- Personnel


[ Poll : [7/12] Responsibility always flows from ]

- subordinate to superior

- Superior to subordinate

- Both

- None


[ Poll : [8/12] Which one is not a cooperative society. ]

- Housing

- Farming

- Function

- Consumer


[ Poll : [9/12] Which one is disadvantage of line organization. ]

- High level of discipline

- Confusion is less

- The top level manager are overload with work.

- Decision are quick


[ Poll : [10/12] ______ calles as scalar organization. ]

- Functional

- Line

- Line and staff

- Project


[ Poll : [11/12] The following is not a principle of organisation ]

- Principle of CO-ORDINATE

- Principle of exception

- Principle of blanca

- Principle of complexity


[ Poll : [12/12] Organisation is a process of ]

- Both A and B

- B.Defining and delegating the responsibility and authority

- A.Identifying and grouping of work to be performed

- None of these

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