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System Software

                                                                    System Software

                                         (Part -- 1)

[ Poll : [1/10] Educational software includes ]

- Simulations program

- Drill-and-practice program

- Tutorial program

- All of the above

[ Poll : [2/10] Application software ]

- All of these

- Includes programs designed to help programmers

- Performs a specific task for computer users

-  Is used to control the operating system

[ Poll : [3/10] The physical devices of a computer : ]

- Software

- Package

- Hardware

- System software

[ Poll : [4/10] Which of the following entity does not belong to word processing? ]

- Character

- Word

- Paragraph

- Cell

[ Poll : [5/10] Which of the following is an example of application software? ]

- Operating system

- Security software

- CAD/CAM system

- Command system

[ Poll : [6/10] ___________________ is designed to solve a specific problem or to do a specific task. ]

- Utility software

- User

- System software

- Application software

[ Poll : [7/10] Which of the following is not an example of system software? ]

- Language translators

- Utility software

- Communication software

- Word processor

[ Poll : [8/10] Which of the following is designed to control the operations of a computer? ]

- User

- Utility software

- Application software

- System software

[ Poll : [9/10] Which of the following is not a characteristic of the conventional process of developing application system? ]

- Increasing labour cost for programming and system analysis

- Slow implementation of system  change

- Minimized maintenance of application software

- Very long time span of development

[ Poll : [10/10] What is the alternative name for application software? ]

- Specific software

- All of these

- End user software

- Utility software

                                      (Part -- 2)

[ Poll : [1/18] In a two pass assembler the object code generation is done during the ? ]

- Second pass

- Not done by assembler

- Zeroth pass

- First pass

[ Poll : [2/18] ___ converts the programs written in assembly language into machine instructions . ]

- Assembler

- Machine compiler

- Interpreter

- Converter

[ Poll : [3/18] In a two-pass assembler, the task of the Pass II is to ]

- synthesize the target program.

- separate the symbol, mnemonic opcode and operand fields.

- build the symbol table.

- construct intermediate code.

[ Poll : [4/18] Translator for low level programming language were termed as ]

- Loader

- Linker

- Assembler

- Compiler

[ Poll : [5/18] An assembler is ]

- Programming language dependent

- Machines dependent

- Syntax dependent

- Data dependent

[ Poll : [6/18] Instructions which wont appear in the object program are called as _____ . ]

- Assembler directive

- Expectations

- Comment

- Redundantnt instructions

[ Poll : [7/18] Which of the following is not a type of assembler ? ]

- One pass

- Load and go

- Two pass

- Three pass

[ Poll : [8/18] Assembler is a machine dependent, because of? ]

- Mnemonics operation table(MOT)

- Argument list array(ALA)

- Pseudo operation table(POT)

- Macro definition table(MDT)

[ Poll : [9/18] Assembler is a program that ]

- places programs into memory and prepares then for execution

- appears to execute a resource as if it were machine language

- accepts a program written in a high level language and produces an object program

- automates the translation of assemble language into machine language

[ Poll : [10/18] Assembler is ? ]

- Is a program that appears to execute a source program as if it were machine language

- A program that accepts a program written in high level language and produces an object program

- A program that automate the translation of assembly language into machine language

- A program that places programs into memory an prepares them for execution

[ Poll : [11/18] In a two pass assembler, adding literals to literal table and address resolution of local symbols are done using ? ]

- First pass and second respectively

- Both first pass

- Second pass and first respectively

- Both second pass

[ Poll : [12/18] TII stands for ]

- Table of information instructions

- Table of incomplete instructions

- Translation of instructions information

- Translation of information instruction

                                          (Part -- 3)

[ Poll : [1/20] A latch is constructed using which two cross coupled? ]

- AND OR gates

- AND gates

- NAND and NOR gates

- NAND gates

[ Poll : [2/20] Pee Hole optimization ]

- Loop Optimization

- Local Optimization

- Constant folding

- Data Flow analysis

[ Poll : [3/20] A bottom up parser generates ]

- Right most derivation

- Rightmost derivation in reverse

- Leftmost derivation

- Leftmost derivation in reverse

[ Poll : [4/20] The alternate way of writing the instruction, ADD #5,R1 is ]

- ADD [5],[R1];

- ADDI 5,R1;

- ADDIME 5,[R1];

- There is no other way

[ Poll : [5/20] The directive used to perform initialization before the execution of the code is ]

- Reserve

- Store

- Dataword


[ Poll : [6/20] What is the maximum length of the filename in DOS? ]

- 4

- 5

- 8

- 12

[ Poll : [7/20] When was the first operating system developed? ]

- 1948

- 1973

- 1950

- 1961

[ Poll : [8/20] The linker ]

- Is similar to interpreter

- Uses source code as its input

- Is required to create a load module

- None of the mentioned

[ Poll : [9/20] The purpose of the ORIGIN directive is ]

- To indicate the starting position in memory, where the program block is to be stored

- To indicate the starting of the computation code

- To indicate the purpose of the code

- To list the locations of all the registers used

[ Poll : [10/20] Shift reduce parsers are ]

- Top down Parser

- Bottom Up parser

- May be top down or bottom up

- None of the mentioned

[ Poll : [11/20] What else is a command interpreter called ]

- prompt

- shell

- cmd

- kernel

[ Poll : [12/20] BIOS is used? ]

- OS

- Hardware

- Kernel

- Initialization

[ Poll : [13/20] The instructions like MOV or ADD are called as ]

- OP-Code

- Operators

- Commands

- None of the mentioned

[ Poll : [14/20] An optimizer Compiler ]

- Is optimized to occupy less space

- Optimize the code

- Is optimized to occupy less space & Optimize the code

- None of the mentioned

[ Poll : [15/20] Scissoring enables ]

- A part of data to be displayed

- Entire data to be displayed

- None of the mentioned

- No data to be displayed

[ Poll : [16/20] The assembler directive EQU, when used in the instruction: Sum EQU 200 does ]

- Finds the first occurrence of Sum and assigns value 200 to it

- Replaces every occurrence of Sum with 200

- Re-assigns the address of Sum by adding 200 to its original address

- Assigns 200 bytes of memory starting the location of Sum

[ Poll : [17/20] When were MS windows operating systems proposed? ]

- 1984

- 1985

- 1986

- 1983

[ Poll : [18/20] The optimization which avoids test at every iteration is? ]

- Loop unrolling

- Loop jamming

- Constant folding

- None of the mentioned

[ Poll : [19/20] FAT ]

- File attribute table

- File allocation table

- Font attribute table

- Format allocation table

[ Poll : [20/20] Instructions which won’t appear in the object program are called as ]

- Redundant instructions

- Exceptions

- Comments

- Assembler Directives


[ Poll : [1/12] ______ support the use of subroutine libraries efficiently. ]

- Bootstrap loader

- Relocating loader

- Linker

- Linking

[ Poll : [2/12] A____ is a computer program that loaded the main os runtime environment for the computer after completion of self test ]

- Absolute loader

- Relocating loader

- Loader

- Bootstrap loader

[ Poll : [3/12] Which one is not a advantages of static linking? ]

- None

- Program that use statically linked liberies

- Statically linked program takes constant load time

- Statically linked file are significally

[ Poll : [4/12] A____ is a computer program that takes one or more object files generated by a computer and combine them into a single executable program. ]

- Dynamic linker

- Loader

- Static linker

- Linker

[ Poll : [5/12] _____ performed the linking process at load time or not at a run time. ]

- Linking

- Static linker

- Dynamic linker

- Loader

[ Poll : [6/12] Which one is advantage of absolute loader? ]

- The programmer most specifically call the assembler address

- When subroutine are referenced the programmer must specify

- All

- Simple easy to design and implement

[ Poll : [7/12] Bootstrap process:- 

 Power On > load instructions from Rom >_____      what is the next process ? ]

- Find attached H/W

- Start until computer application

- None

- Detect os from HDD

[ Poll : [8/12] The value of the actual parameter is copied in to the formal parameter. ]

- None

- Call by reference

- Call by value

- Both

[ Poll : [9/12] How many type of linker? ]

- Three

- One

- Five

- Two

[ Poll : [10/12] How many task perform in static linker? ]

- One

- Four

- Two

- Three

[ Poll : [11/12] How many type of loader? ]

- 2

- 1

- 4

- 3

[ Poll : [12/12] ____operation is very simple? ]

- Bootstrap

- None

- Absolute

- Relocation


[ Poll : [1/15] [2/15]Maximum memory available on a SIC or XE system is ]

- 2 megabytes

- 4 megabytes

- 1 megabytes

- 8 megabytes


[ Poll : [2/15] [14/15]In 8086 ______ instruction generates a software interrupt ]

- int

- float

- byte

- bit


[ Poll : [3/15] [1/15]The following is not a type of Systems Software ]

- Device Drivers 

- Utility Programs 

- Applications

- Operating Systems 


[ Poll : [4/15] [7/15]register shows changes produced by the execution of an instruction ]

- Bit

- Byte

- Flag

- Bhai syllabus main nhii hai


[ Poll : [5/15] [10/15]8086 instructions may be categorized as  ]

- Sequential control flows instructions and control transfer instructions

- Automatic control flows instructions and control transfer instructions

- Final control flows instructions and control transfer instructions

- Reverse control flows instructions and control transfer instructions


[ Poll : [6/15] [11/15] addressing mode, the data is stored in a register and it is referred to using the particular register ]


- Data

- Register

- Address


[ Poll : [7/15] [15/15]Software which bridges a specification or execution gap is called ]

- GUI processor

- Language Processor

- Secret Proessor

- Command Processor


[ Poll : [8/15] [5/15]8086 CPU has ______ bit data bus and ______ bit address bus ]

- 8-bit data 40-bit address

- 16-bit data 40-bit address

- 16-bit data 20-bit address

- 8-bit data 20-bit address


[ Poll : [9/15] [12/15]addressing modes, immediate data is a part of instruction and appears in the form of successive byte or bytes ]

- Immediate

- Delay

- Fastly

- Overdelay


[ Poll : [10/15] Which is not a type of system software ]

- Utility software

- Application software

- OS

- None


[ Poll : [11/15] [13/15]The interrupt generated by a program is called ]

- Hardware Interrupt

- Software Interrupt

- TRAP Interrupt

- None

  [ Poll : [12/15] [6/15]The prefetched instruction bytes are stored in a first in the first out group of registers called an ]

- Schedular Queue

- Instruction queue

- Executor Queue

- Parser Queue


[ Poll : [13/15] [8/15] are the time-multiplexed address and data lines ]

- AD0 AD18

- AD0 AD17

- AD0 AD15

- AD0 AD16

[ Poll : [14/15] [4/15]addressing Mode, operand address goes as it is ]

- Direct

- Indirect

- Super direct

- Redirect


[ Poll : [15/15] [3/15]translates mnemonic instructions into machine code. ]

- Compiler

- Interpreter

- Machine Code Executor

- Assembler



[ Poll : [1/18] In which way(s) can a macro processor for assembly language be implemented? ]

- independent two-pass processor

- independent one-pass processor

- processor incorporated into pass of a standard two-pass assembler

- All of the above


[ Poll : [2/18] If special forms are needed for printing the output, the programmer specifies these forms through ]



- Utility programs

- Load modules


[ Poll : [3/18] [29/30]Language which have many types, but the type of every name and expression must be calculated at compile time are ]

- weakly typed languages

- loosely typed languages

- strongly-type languages

- none of these


[ Poll : [4/18] Multiprogramming is possible because ]

- input output are independent for CPU

- OS

- Both

- None


[ Poll : [5/18] An Interpreter is ]

- is a program that appears to execute a source program as if it were machine language

- a program that automate the translation of assembly language into machine language

- program that accepts a program written in a high level language and produces an object program

- a program that places programs into memory and prepares them for execution


[ Poll : [6/18] Convert the 11014B machine language instructions into assembly language, assuming that they were not generated by pseudo-ops: ]


- LOADA h#OD4E, i

- STOREA h#014B, d

- ADDA h#01FE, i


[ Poll : [7/18] Advantage(s) of using assembly language rather than machine language is/are: ]

- It is mnemonic and easy to read

- Addresses any symbolic, not absolute

- Introduction of data to program is easier

- All of the above


[ Poll : [8/18] Job Control Language (JCL) statements are Used to ]

- Read the input from the slow-speed card reader to the high-speed magnetic disk

- Specify, to the operating system, the beginning and end of a job in a batch

- Allocate the CPU to a job

- All of the above


[ Poll : [9/18] Machine code for ASLA ]

- 0111EF

- 9.00E+09

- DA000F

- 44

- None


[ Poll : [10/18] Convert the BRNE h#01E6, i assembly language instructions into hexadecimal machine language: ]

- 0111EF

- 9001E6

- DA000F

- 40


[ Poll : [11/18] JCL are used to ]

- Read input from slow speed car reader

- Specify the start and end of job

- both

- none

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