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Visual Basic

                                           Visual Basic 

                                                               (Part-- 01)

[ Poll : [1/11] Keywords are also referred to as reserved words. ]

- True

- False

[ Poll : [2/11] __________ is a data type that can be used to declare a text of maximum 10 million  ]

- Numeric

- String

- Date

- Ulong

[ Poll : [3/11] The Visual Basic Code Editor will automatically detect certain types of errors as you are entering code. ]

- True

- False

[ Poll : [4/11] What value will be assigned to the numeric variable x when the following statement is executed? x = 2 + 3 * 4 ]

- 238

- 92

- 14

- 20

[ Poll : [5/11] Visual Basic responds to events using which of the following? ]

- A code procedure

- An event procedure

- A form procedure

- A property

[ Poll : [6/11] Which of the following arithmetic operations has the highest level of precedence? ]

- +-

- */

- Exponentation

- ()

[ Poll : [7/11] The variables that does not change the value during execution of program is __________ ]

- String

- None of above

- Numeric

- Constant

[ Poll : [8/11]  In Visual Basic, a variable name cannot be more than __________ characters. ]

- 245

- 255

- 355

- 300

- 200

[ Poll : [9/11] Visual Basic is a tool that allows you to develop application in __________ ]

- None of these



- Real time

[ Poll : [10/11] In visual basic ______ is the extension to represent project file. ]

- None

- .vbp

- .frm

- .cls

[ Poll : [11/11] ___________ function is used to return a copy of a string without leading spaces. ]

- Ltrim

- Rtrim

- None of these

- Trim

                                                               (Part-- 02)

[ Poll : [1/14] MDI stands for _________ ]

- Multiple Document Interface.

- Multiple Document Interchange

- Multiple Design Interface.

- Million Document Interface.

[ Poll : [2/14] Extension of ActiveX designers ____________ ]

- None

- .acx

- .adx

- .dsr

[ Poll : [3/14] Visual basic first introduce in ]

- 1995

- 2000

- 1991

- 1965

[ Poll : [4/14] Visual Basic responds to events using which of the following? ]

- None

- Event procedure

- Code procedure

[ Poll : [5/14] The default datatype for VB is ___________ ]

- Veriant

- Variable

- None

- Integer

[ Poll : [6/14]  In visual basic the declaration of variables is done by _____ key word. ]

- Dim

- Int

- None

- Statics

[ Poll : [7/14] Visual basic is _________level  language? ]

- None

- Oops

- Low

- High

[ Poll : [8/14] In event-driven programming an event is generated by? ]

- The user

- The system

- All

- A programmer

[ Poll : [9/14]  A _______control in visual basic is used to create applications that present information in rows and columns ]

- Msgridline

- Msflexgrid

- Mslinegrid

- Msgridflex

[ Poll : [10/14] __________ do not return a value. ]

- Property procedure

- Function procedure

- Sub procedure

- All

[ Poll : [11/14] The _________ property is used in VB for maximum form at run time ]

- Caption

- Windows status

- Windows resize

- None

[ Poll : [12/14] An object datatype can store _______ bytes ]

- 2

- 1

- 8

- 4

[ Poll : [13/14]  A __________ variable is one that is declared inside a procedure. ]

- None of these

- External

- Global

- Local

[ Poll : [14/14] Which of these is not the version of Visual Basic? ]

- VB2008

- VB6.0

- VB2013

- VB 2005

                                            (Part-- 03)

[ Poll : [1/11] The default data type of Visual basic. ]

- Int

- Double

- String

- Veriant

[ Poll : [2/11] ...... Windows we can write code? ]

- Code editor

- Local

- Immediate

- None

[ Poll : [3/11] V.B is a tool that allow you to develop application in ]


- Menu driven

- None

- Real time

[ Poll : [4/11] RDO stand for? 

- Remember data object

- None

- Remote data object

- Remote data oriented

[ Poll : [5/11] ____is a feature of Visual basic that allow you to access and manipulate any database ]

- Data base

- None

- Data type

- Data access

[ Poll : [6/11] the obscure language computer  ]


- None



[ Poll : [7/11] IDE stand for? ]

- None

- Internet design environment

- Internet development environment

- Integrated development environment

[ Poll : [8/11] Pseudocode is ]

- data that have been encoded for security

- the obscure language computer 

- All

- description of an algorithm similar to a computer language.

[ Poll : [9/11] The v.B IDE is also known as ]

- Memory document interface

- Memory document interchange

- Multiple document interface

- Multiple direct interchange

                                                                (Part-- 04)

[ Poll : [1/11] This control is a Windows you can place on a form to host document from other applications such as _________ ]

- PowerPoint

- Ms word and ms excel

- Ms excel

- Ms word

[ Poll : [2/11] ExE stand for? ]

- Executable file

- Excess file

- Exit file

- Executive file

[ Poll : [3/11] VB environment consist of? ]

- All

- A. A blank from  for you to design your application interface

- It also have a tool box that consist of all the control essential.

- Both A and B

- B. The window display tha file that are created on your application.

[ Poll : [4/11] The control is use to display image and the image are set the picture property ]

- Frame

- Label

- Picture box

- Tool box

[ Poll : [5/11] On April __, 2008, Microsoft stopped supporting Visual Basic 6.0 IDE. ]

- 8

- 4

- 5

- 7

[ Poll : [6/11] OLE stand for? ]

- Object loder embedding.

- Over linking embedding

- None

-Object linking embedding

[ Poll : [7/11] The final release was version 6 in  ]

- 1996

- 1988

- 1998

- 1997

[ Poll : [8/11] BASIC stand for? ]

- Beginner all purpose symbolic instructions code.

- Beginnner all purpose symbolic instructions code.

- Beginning all purpose symbolic instructions code

- Beginner all purpose symbolic insttruction code.

- Beginner all purpoose symbolic instructions code.

[ Poll : [9/11] This control is used to draw box on the form and to grup other elements ]

- Text box

- Frame

- Command button

- Label

[ Poll : [10/11] Which one is not a components of VB? ]

- Tool bar

- Menu bar

- Query

- Form designer

[ Poll : [11/11] Which one is not include in menu bar? ]

- Date

- Edit

- Format

- File

                                          (Part-- 05)

[ Poll : [1/11] Full form of NET. ]

- Network Enabled Technologies. 

- Network Embaded technologies

- Network Enabled technique

- Network Enroll technologies

[ Poll : [2/11] 5.____ are the foundation of any VB application they can contain graphical description of the form it's control including their properties setting. ]

- File module

- Standard module

- Class module

- Form module

[ Poll : [3/11] object-oriented programming language developed by Microsoft in ____ ]

- 2002

- 1999

- 2000

- 2001

[ Poll : [4/11] 2.How many type of module. ]

- 6

- 3

- 2

- 5

[ Poll : [5/11] 4. Extension of standard module? ]

- .firm

- .bas

- .cls

- None

[ Poll : [6/11] Which one is not a type of module? ]

- File module

- Class module

- Form module

- Standard module

[ Poll : [7/11] A ____ is nothing but a name given to a storage area that our programs can manipulate ]

- Variable

- Event driven

- Module

- None

[ Poll : [8/11] The ____statement is used for variable declaration and storage allocation for one or more variables.  ]


- Dim

- Module

- Application

Poll : [9/11] Visual Basic__is a modern yet simple computer programming language. ]

- .NET

- Application

- None

- Oops

[ Poll : [10/11] The basic value types provided in VB.Net can be categorized as ]

- 3

- 4

- 2

- 5

[ Poll : [11/11] 1.Interface act a mediator b/w the ____ software. ]

- B. Application

- A. Os

- D.none

- C.both

                                             (Part-- 06)

[ Poll : [1/11] ____is a feature of Visual basic that allow you to access and manipulate any database ]

- Data access

- Data base

- None

- Data type

[ Poll : [2/11] The default data type of Visual basic. ]

- Double

- Veriant

- String

- Int

[ Poll : [3/11] RDO stand for? ]

- Remember data object

- Remote data oriented

- None

- Remote data object

[ Poll : [4/11] the obscure language computer  ]

- None




[ Poll : [5/11] Pseudocode is ]

- data that have been encoded for security

- the obscure language computer 

- description of an algorithm similar to a computer language.

- All

[ Poll : [6/11] The v.B IDE is also known as ]

- Multiple document interface

- Memory document interface

- Memory document interchange

- Multiple direct interchange

[ Poll : [7/11] GUI stand for ]

- None

- Graphics uniform interaction

- Graphical user interaction

- Graphical user interface

[ Poll : [8/11] ...... Windows we can write code? ]

- Local

- None

- Code editor

- Immediate

[ Poll : [9/11] V.B is a tool that allow you to develop application in ]

- Real time


- Menu driven

- None

[ Poll : [10/11] IDE stand for? ]

- Internet development environment

- Internet design environment

- Integrated development environment

- None


[ Poll : [1/12] Through which property of option button control one can change the font color of the caption ]

- Font color

- None

- Back color

Fore color


[ Poll : [2/12] Min and Max property can be used with Font common dialog box to determine ]

- Both

- The minimum and maximum size display in the size list

To controlling dialog box size

- None


[ Poll : [3/12] A dialect of Visual Basic, (VBA), is used as a macro or scripting language within several Microsoft and ___applications, including MS office. ]

- None



- Dos


[ Poll : [4/12] Visual Basic has ____________ number of editions ]

- 6

- 5


- 4


[ Poll : [5/12] In visual basic, number of loop control structure is _____________. ]

- 4

- 7


- 5


[ Poll : [6/12] A class ______ is a special member Sub of a class that is executed whenever we create new objects of that class. ]

- Destructor


- Parameterized constructor

- None


[ Poll : [7/12] _____________ property of any control cannot change at run time. ]

- Caption

- None

- Color



[ Poll : [8/12] Visual studio.NET provide which features? ]

- Debugging

- Application deployment


- Syntax checking


[ Poll : [9/12] Visual Basic is a third-generation event-driven programming language first released by Microsoft in ]

- 1994

- 1992


- 1993


[ Poll : [10/12] What is the default value of MaxLength property of text box control? ]

- 10 character

- 255 character

0 character

- None


[ Poll : [11/12] The ___________is a systematic class framework used for the development of system tools and utilities. ]

- VB 2005

- VB6.0


- Net tools

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